Sunday, March 4, 2012

Teacher Directed Appraoch : A Just Review

A long discussion on the presentation took place last class, with particular to the slide presentations of Educational Psychology Second Chapter. Preferably, Dr Lihanna wanted to see more effort in relating OUR experiences in certain subjects during secondary School and the role of Teacher (Al Attas, 1980), rather a mere collection of experiences, and what-to-do of a teacher.

We ended up doing simple quiz, furthering ado in mock surprise as another group had also taken Math as their chosen subject. The content was prepared all by the Brotherz Member, and presented by Fahmi, assisted by Hafizi Din.

(You might want to know more on teacher directed approach, is it?) Let us read further!

Throughout the week, another dicussion was on the teacher directed approach as in comparison to student directed approach. Both techniques or approach have different strength, and also, limitations.

Teacher directed approach, as it may pronounced, focus more on the teachers' strength per se, in handling the class. A crystal advantage would be, a better control on the class pacing. Incoming Questions from student can be converted into opportunity of in depth exploration in that matter, either in another class period, or QA sessions. Class is better managed during discussion period, and teacher knows where the discussions are heading to.

Despite of that, certain personality type of teachers, might not be that helpful. Culture maintained throughout the Malaysia, on class participation, might also hinders teacher directed approach from achieving its true effectiveness. Due to this, for example, class might be awkwardly silent before gaining its momentum.

To prevent this, teacher can use buzz session, opening the class with an interesting question, which may lead the student back on class track. Teacher, can also offer better teaching with Pedagogical Assistance Methodology (PAM), or ABM (in Bahasa, is Alat Bantu Mengajar).