Thursday, February 23, 2012

Experience in Education System

The latest discussion requires us to actually share our previous experiences in secondary school, and relating it to the framework of Five Teachers' Role (Al-Attas, 1960) - Mursyid, Murabbi, Mu'allim, Mudariss, and Muaddib. We choose the Math Subject.

To be a Mursyid is to be a good leader  and showing the way.  For example, a good math teacher can teach math , in a good way, by showing options of answering, and not just focusing on one single workpath, which lead to the exact answer. 

To be a  Mu'allim is to be able to impart knowledge and also to allow cognitive development to take its place. This can be done through via class discussions, debates, practical aspects, and else. A good math teacher can be Muallim, if s/he can offer room of discussions, and appreciate the student effort on solving problems, without neglecting the needs of tutorial, and assignment.

To be a Murabbi is to nurture the student, perhaps, to delve more into the welfare aspects of a student, ensuring the knowledge imparting can successfully occur, while in the same time, focuses on right and wrong. To be a good math teacher, a teacher can go beyond reasoning, to actually understand why a student cannot complete his or her Math Questions. There might be some explanation due to eye problem, family problem, or simply poor inductive and math reasoning of that student.

To be a Muaddib, is to be able to teach and coherently showing the good culture, habits, belief and attitudes which can be exemplified by the student themselves. A good teacher can be a good Muaddib when /she teaches with good manners, and live the life of a good person, coherently, not just in classroom settings.

To be a Mudarris, is the least of function. Mudarris should actually be alert and able to utter speeches of subjects, control the classroom and offer helpful classroom experience, related to the goal of Education. A teacher is a mudarrris, when s/he can follow the syllabus, and offer good explanation during classroom question-answer sessions, proving his or her prowess in that particular taught subject.

As agreed by Al-Attas, all of these role may and may not occur simultaneously in one persona of teacher.


We also discussed about the comparison between Teaching and Learning. Teaching can be different from Learning, where teaching involves the impart of knowledge, whereas learning, involves receive of knowledge.

Some might agree that actually, Teaching and Learning may overlap. For example, Teaching can occur simultaneously with learning, in a place, with similar syllabus, and with similar medium interaction.