Thursday, February 23, 2012

Experience in Education System

The latest discussion requires us to actually share our previous experiences in secondary school, and relating it to the framework of Five Teachers' Role (Al-Attas, 1960) - Mursyid, Murabbi, Mu'allim, Mudariss, and Muaddib. We choose the Math Subject.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Descriptive Research in Educational Psychology

In previous post, we are that clear, on Experimental and Correlational Research. Let us move into another example of research in Educational Psychology: Descriptive Research.

Effective high school teachers: A mixed investigation
By Don P. Schulte a, John R. Slate b,*, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie b

This descriptive research speaks about effective high school teachers and had been conducted in the United States. National Research Council in 2005 found out that, academic motivation decreases steadily from the early grades of elementary school into the high school. Indeed, the differences of the content knowledge used in both schools have caused the grades decrease. In addition, the researchers had covered themes such caring communication, creative, disciplinarian, fairness, flexible, friendly, fun, knowledgeable and so on. All themes are quantified and statistically analyzed to examine whether the differences were present as a function of gender, ethnicity, student status, and generational status. The analysis was also done to determine the characteristics that students perceive as indication of an effective classroom teacher at the high school level.
Survey had been used in this research. The students randomly selected for college of Education, college of Business and the college of Arts and Sciences. As a result, the importance in this research is to emphasize the significance of knowledge related to the changes in the education and also the subject matter.

Further reading and download can be done via this link

prepared by Yazzid, Ikhwan and Fariq

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Correlational Research in Educational Psychology

In previous post, we knew now about Experimental Research in Educational Psychology. Now this, is one of the research, in line with Educational Psychology. It is an Example of Correlational Research.

Personality predicts academic performance: Evidence from two longitudinal university samples

This journal focuses on the relationship between personality and academic performance. It is a quantitative research where data are converted into numbers before it is interpreted. It is also a longitudinal research where academic performances are assessed in a three year period. Using two well-establish personality measure which is the Big Five personality factors (NEO-FFI) and the Gigantic Three dimensions of personality (EPQ-R), the researcher correlate the academic students’ academic performance with their personality. The research was reliable and valid since they use a appropriate psychometric tool to measure personality and they measure academic performance base on their operational definition. All in all, although there are several limitation, the result can be use as a guidance for teachers.

The PDF article can be read and downloaded from
Prepared by : Qarem and Hafizi


Experimental Research in Educational Psychology

In previous Post, we have read about Experimental, Correlational and Descriptive Research in Educational Psychology. We have also covered the importance of Research Knowledge. Now, this would be one of the sample research on Experimental Research, in line with Educational Psychology.

Self-regulation strategies improve self-discipline in adolescents: Benefits of mental contrasting and implementation intentions

Adolescents struggle with setting and striving for goals that require sustained self discipline. Research on adults indicates that goal commitment is enhanced by mental contrasting (MC), a strategy involving the cognitive elaboration of a desired future with relevant obstacles of present reality. Implementation intentions (II), which identify the action one will take when a goal-relevant opportunity arises, represent a strategy shown to increase goal attainment when commitment is high. This study tests the effect of mental contrasting combined with implementation intentions (MCII) on successful goal implementation in adolescents. Sixty-six 2nd-year high school students preparing to take a high stakes exam in the fall of their third year were randomly assigned to complete either a 30-minute written mental contrasting with implementation intentions intervention or a placebo control writing exercise. Students in the intervention condition completed more than 60% more practice questions than did students in the control condition. These findings point to the utility of directly teaching to adolescents mental contrasting with implementation intentions as a self-regulatory strategy of successful goal pursuit.

This past research by Duckworth, Grant, Loew, Oettingen and Gollwitzer (2011) tried to combine between two self-regulation strategies which are mental contrasting (MC) and implementation intentions (II) to have benefit in the improvement of self-discipline in adolescents. So the researchers tried to see any change to dependent variable which is self-regulation strategies (MCII)  from independent variable in this study which is self-discipline. In the study, the participants were randomly assigned into two groups which are experimental group and control group by randomly assigning their group.

As we all know, experiment study in psychology also has its own disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is the findings may not necessarily be generalized into the real world. The researchers in the past research quoted that they did not address the study to the extent the two skills (MCII) can be generalized to other different tasks than in the experiment. So it is hard to determine whether the findings can be implemented as the solution for the raised problem, before the experiment is conducted.

The PDF Article of this research produced by Duckworth, A.L., Grant, H., Loew, B., Oettingen, G., and Gollwitzer, P.M. (2011) can be downloaded and read from

Prepared by Ashraff Hafeezie